Sunday, June 04, 2006

Acts 2:1

The phrase translated as when the day of Pentecost had come is actually not a dependent clause at all but a prepositional phrase with an articular infinitive; tw sumpljrow or the filling. This construction, indicating a fullness of time or an arrival of an anticipated moment, has the feel of all moments leading to this one. The verb, sumpljrow, appears 3 times in the New Testament. When it has no article, it has the literal meaning of swamping, filling to overflowing as a boat that can hold no more (Luk 8:23). In the other passage where it has an article (Luk 9:51), it refers to the fullness of the day of Jesus' ascension happening (literally ginomai becoming). So, in these texts, which are attributed to the same author, we see an idea of the gathering of history into one moment. There is a culmination of events leading to a singular, overwhelming event that alters the course of those who have been gathered together, sailing together in this Christian journey.

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